Wednesday, October 22, 2008

reaching out to the children of the world

Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child has touched the lives of millions of boys and girls around the world by providing simple gift-filled shoe boxes. Consider taking your kids on a trip to the dollar store to fill a box with little gifts: pencils, paper, toothbrush and toothpaste, bouncy balls, stickers, dried fruits and other snacks that don't go bad.

Some children have never heard of Christmas; many who know about Christmas will never receive a gift. Operation Christmas Child is one simple, inexpensive way to reach out to children in underdeveloped societies around the world. It is also a wonderful way to teach your children about giving.

For more information visit Samaritan's Purse, or leave a comment with your question. Many local churches, including Northgate Free Methodist, are involved in collecting shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child, and will be happy to receive your donation during the week of November 17-24, 2008.

coffee night

What do all these women have in common?
They are already enjoying a fine cup of coffee.

They are all by themselves.


Come to Main Street Coffee tonight at 7.
Bring your short people, or don't.

Not a coffee drinker?
Main Street Coffee offers a variety of beverages,
including a most satisfying hot chocolate
that might be necessary if it keeps snowing*.

*Apologies for using the S-Word on our nicey-nice mommy blog. I will do better in the future. I promise.